Sir Lancelot
Lance, as he is affectionally known, is the father of all the children at the farm and he was born in 2009. He certainly lives up to his regal title with his royal-like stance and posh walk . He loves going for supervised strolls with his son in the fields behind us ; on his days off he likes to sunbathe. He is a proud father and is always making sure his family are happy, healthy and
Friday is the oldest of all our alpacas and she is prancers mother. She is also a lovingly devoted auntie and doesn't mind babysitting. Her retirement is spent grazing, sunbathing and taking treats off of visitors, if she is willing. Due to her age, Friday is very shy and is weary of new people, she takes a little more time to warm up to you but once she does, Friday is the sweetest and mos
Kimchee is our beautiful mama of Manuka and Bok Choi. Kimchee is patient and kind to her children,but dont be fooled she can hold her own and isn't shy to use her alarm call to warn the others of danger, she's an alpha female (but don't tell Lance!) Kimchee loves her grub and is always first for breakfast. We taught all the alpacas to kiss and she took to the trick the best, sometimes she will com
Prancer is the eldest child and the son of Friday. He is the friendliest of all our alpacas and loves the attention. His nickname is "Prancer the poser" because anytime a camera comes his way he poses- picture perfect! He is quite unlike our other alpacas and enjoys time alone, he loves his daytrips in the van visiting people all around Birmingham. He likes being indoors and is very curious
Manuka is Kimchees eldest child and she takes after her mother very much, with a sweet yet cheecky personality. Her name comes from her honey like colour (Manuka honey) and her nickname follows suit of her father, Princess Manuka. She earned this nickname because she is always first in the pool to make sure her feet are clean and her fur fresh! Being so clever, she figured out she can earn m
Bok Choi
Baby Bok Choi is the youngest member of the alpaca family. He's playful, bright and inquisitive, always being interested in what's going on when humans are around. Bok Choi is very close with his mom Kimchee & they also look almost identical (kimchees nose is brown whereas Bok Choi has a jet black face). He also enjoys spending quality time with his dad Sir Lancelot on walks.